World of Warcraft Legion (Collector's Edition) PC

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- Character Boost—immediately raise one character to level 100
- World of Warcraft – Illidari Felstalker Mount and Nibbles Pet - Stalk the invading demonic forces atop one of the Burning Legion’s own twisted hounds of war, and summon a delightfully demented companion to keep you warm by the fel fire.
- Heroes of the Storm – Felstalker Mount - Charge down the lanes of the Nexus and wreak havoc on the opposing team astride this fierce fanged terror.
- StarCraft II – Fel Protoss Portraits - Take back Aiur in infernal style with psionic-infused StarCraft II portraits of Illidan and Gul’li>
- Diablo III – Wings of the Betrayer - Equip your hero with Illidan’s wings and strike terror into the hearts of Sanctuary’s demons.
- Full-colour hardcover art book
- Behind-the-scenes two-disc Blu-ray/DVD set
- CD soundtrack
- Legion mouse pad