General Conditions of Sale


Discoazul engaged in sales of consoles, accessories and games, doing business in the web address / It also has a physical store located in the city of Lugo in the address C/Otero Pedrayo No. 33 bajo.


Discoazul reserves the right to modify the commercial offer presented on the website (in terms of services, pricing, promotions and other commercial conditions) at any time.

Discoazul makes every effort within its means to provide the information contained in the website is accurate and without typographical errors. In the case that at some point there are any errors of this kind, at all times beyond the control of Discoazul, there would be corrected immediately. If there is a typographical error in any of the displayed prices and a client has made a purchase decision based on that error, Discoazul will notify the client of the error and the customer is entitled to cancel the order at no cost.

Discoazul is entitled to unilaterally amend any and all of the obligations under these terms and conditions without notice. Also is able to modify or delete any information, services or content on the site without notice. These conditions could be adapted to particular cases and such modifications shall be valid only when it has been collected in writing and signed by the legal representatives of each party.


Through the web address of Discoazul, any user can have free access to information contained in that website.

To make a purchase, the user must create an account on the website, entering all the details in order to facilitating the shipment without any incidence. Once created, you must enter the products you wanted in your shopping cart by clicking on the "Buy" button. After entering all products in the tab "My basket" you should push the "Buy" button to access the checkout, moment where you select the shipping and payment.
You may not access the end of the order in the case in which the user is not registered and logged. To make a purchase you must have at least 18 years.

We store the contract's content and  will send you the details of your order as well as our general terms via e-mail. You can find the terms here at all times. the details about your recent orders can be found in your customer login.


All prices displayed on Discoazul are shown with VAT included, except in the case of a user who surf the web while logged in and have his account activated in an address of a location at which no such tax is applied. In this case the prices are displayed without VAT. These prices are valid except for typographical errors, in which case any issue will be communicated to the client in order to correct the error.

Discoazul reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, changes and / or updates, whether in relation to the configuration and presentation of the conditions of access. The company that owns the web space held all efforts aimed at correcting the errors, restore communication and update the contents of the website, except in cases of force majeure beyond the web owners.


The customer can choose the shipping method from among the possible options. You should be aware that delivery times, quality of service, the point of delivery and the cost will be different for each form of transport. Before finalizing the order, the customer will be informed of shipping charges apply depending on the chosen method. The time periods are informative, as they may be altered by extraordinary incidents in transportation or difficulty of delivering the goods.


Discoazul reserves the right to change the rates and characteristics of existing products on our website without notice.

When ordering, the customer can freely choose the payment method that best suits his needs. These can be via Cash on Delivery, only possible with UPS, bank transfer or credit card. In certain cases, and to prevent fraud, Discoazul reserves the possibility to ask a customer a specific payment in case not proven conclusively the identity of the buyer.


Description of the right of withdrawal

As a consumer customer, you have a period of 7 business days to exercise your legal right of withdrawal.
The time is counted from the receipt of goods. In the case of an order of service, the period runs from the date of acceptance of the offer. If within 7 days falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday or vacation, it will be extended until the next business day.

You do not have to give a reason to exercise the right of withdrawal. You will not suffer any penalty.

To exercise the right of withdrawal

In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, you must return the product to the following address:

Web S.L., C/Otero Pedrayo 33 Bajo, 27003 Lugo, Spain

Return shipping costs are your bear responsibility.

The right of withdrawal is entitled to a refund of the amounts paid in the order as soon as possible and no later than 30 days from the date you exercised that right (not be made before receiving the returned product)

Reimbursement will be made by the same method as the payment was made the order. If payment on delivery is performed, you will need to send a bank account IBAN and SWIFT code for the return.

Exceptions to the right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal is excluded for the following products and services:

  • Services whose implementation started with your permission
  • Products manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized
  • Products who can not be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly
  • For the supply of audio or video recordings or computer software if they are unsealed by the consumer
  • For the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines


The customer agrees to accept all the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice understanding that they reflect the best possible service for the type of activity performed by Discoazul.

The Discoazul client agrees at all times to provide truthful information about the data requested in the user registration forms or placing an order and keep them updated at all times.


Only complaints within the seven business days from receipt of the order will be attended. For claims for incidental likely to claim, send an email to Any problems with your order (which is delivered damaged, defective, wrong, or any other cause which may claim), the customer must contact us via phone at +34 982 245 568 and write an email to to leave a written of the claim.

Discoazul promises to deliver the customer another product in perfect condition, on receipt of the defective product.

The warranties for the products correspond to those offered by manufacturers of each product and reflect the current legal limits. All products offered on our website pass all quality controls required by European legislation.

Defective merchandise may be returned with prior approval by Discoazul. The forwarding of new product and customer replacement will be free. Returns will be sent to our address:

Intuitive Invest S.L.

Otero Pedrayo 33, bajo

27003 - Lugo, Spain


Discoazul guarantees the security and confidentiality in all communications with his clients.

All payment transactions are conducted on-line through a secure server based on the SSL standard, which protects data against attempted rape by third parties. The purchase process data are stored in a database designed for this purpose.

Discoazul guarantees the adoption of the necessary measures for the treatment of personal data to which you have access as a result of browsing Internet web pages, consulting, application or contract for any service or product, in accordance with the Data Protection legislation in force. Please note that your personal details are included in an automated file owned by Intuitive Invest S.L. for the purpose of managing our relationship with you, and you may exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition by writing to this company, for the attention of the Security Manager.

Purchases made with Discoazul are subject to the Spanish law.

Access to this Internet address is the bear responsibility of the users.

By accessing and browsing the Internet at this address implies acceptance and knowledge of legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

Discoazul reserves the right to cancel the services built on its website, to include improvements or modifications thereof, to include new services, and to modify them. The above changes will not apply to all those previously made properly formalized between Discoazul and Customer, unless there is authorization.

The user agrees not to transmit or distribute:

  • Any content which constitutes unlawful or unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, advertising materials junk, "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any similar.
  • Element information or content that is in violation of the rights of the Intellectual Property, Patent, Trademark, Copyright, which correspond to the portal or third parties.
  • Content or propaganda of a racist, pornographic, justifying terrorism that threaten the rights of individuals and the provisions of the legislation.
  • Program data (viruses, software ...) who could cause damage to the computer systems of the vendor, their suppliers, customers or third party users of the Internet
  • Information and contained false and inaccurate, deceptive in recipients of the same
  • Any information or content element that involves a violation of the communications sector and legislation Protection of Personal Data, or impersonate identities.


Discoazul updates operational specifications that are necessary as a result of the incorporation of our services or the modification of existing ones.

Discoazul will not be liable in case of:

  • Force Majeure
  • Use of services by unauthorized parties.
  • Any damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system or other telematic that could be used, due to causes unrelated to Discoazul, as well as by delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system or other telematic that could be used in the future, caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the data center of Discoazul processes in the system of the Internet Network or other electronic or telematic systems, as well as any damages that may be caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the control of Discoazul.
  • Damage to equipment or customer systems or modifications, alterations or loss of data that occur as a result of the transmission of any signal to client computers through the Web site or other means of telematics technology Discoazul or security breaches of the Services, unless these are due to fraud, gross negligence or breach of Discoazul.

Discoazul declines all responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur to the client as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by Intuitive Invest SL, provided from sources outside the company or the same company from other sources. Like it's not responsible for any misuse that may be made of the contents of the website or other means of telematics technology, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses.


Discoazul assumes no responsibility for information contained on third-party websites which may be accessed by links or search engines from the Discoazul Web page. The presence of links and links in the Web pages from Discoazul purposes only information and in no way a suggestion, invitation or recommendation thereof.


Customer acknowledges that the rights of Intellectual Property on the content of Web pages, graphic design and codes belong Discoazul and / or third party information and / or content provided by Discoazul based on existing agreements with the same that, therefore, any reproduction, distribution, public communication, except for personal, private use, are forbidden. Similarly, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in Discoazul Web pages are protected by law.

Is prohibited, except as expressly authorized by Discoazul, establishing links or hyperlinks from websites or third party websites to Discoazul websites other than the page on your website, accessible at the URL http:// or replace it in the future as well as present Discoazul web pages or the information contained in them under frames, service marks, trademarks or company or business of another person, company or entity.

Discoazul immediately rescind contracts if the customer subscribes and take legal action it deems appropriate in the event that the client challenged or questioned in any way the validity of those Discoazul rights.

Some Discoazul portal pages contain cookies, which are small data files that are generated in the user or client computer and that enable our system to remember him chosen other site navigation features or user preferences. These "cookies" are not invasive or harmful, or contain personal data, since its only function is to personalize your experience at the manner stated above.