Logitech Farming Simulator Heavy Equipment Bundle

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Volante Logitech Farming Simulator Heavy Equipment Bundle
Under Order: Delivery Deadline 10 d &iuteres.
Logitech G Heavy Equipment Bundle is an impressive set of specialized farm simulation equipment. All the essential tools are available here: 900-strong Volante, resistant pedals and a side panel for a realistic dive and to enjoy the maximum. In collaboration with GIANTS Software and the farm simulation community, we have intensified the emoci n of cultivating the land, raising livestock and selling the products. &iex; Y no s &o for m &aUtequinas! Get hands on the work with levers and buttons integrated in the steering wheel for farmer tasks during the game, such as starting a chainsaw. Everything is here, and everything for the successful a-gri-venture. Now with engineering improvements based on community feedback and feedback, the heavy equipment package is ready for the rigors of farm life.
Ag &aetarsrate well
Tour 900 degrees in both directions. The central spring wheel has been used with all the essentials of the real farm machines. Enjoy heavy operations and divi-rtete on the farm with realistic tilt and rotation and with ... a claxon. And, of course, we don't forget about the spin knob so you can control a drink with your free hand or use the side panel controls.
Hands on the work
Hand controls to move your farmer. Game situations require levers and buttons, and this steering wheel has them in abundance. The two anal levers equipped with buttons are ideal for moving characters and controlling a camera. And the four-direction view selectors next to each lever provide eight other buttons within easy reach of your hand. On the back of the steering wheel there are two active-iron triggers. And everything can be programmed from within the game.
Aut &eunntica power to stop and move forward
Dedicated Pedals for Driver Control. Enjoy the ideal tractor simulation with dedicated brake and accelerator pedals. The angular path has been set to 20 degrees to give you the maximum control. And the pedals are connected to the steering wheel by a 1.8 m cable. That means the whole kit takes up a single USB port on your computer for gaming.
Loader control with all axes
Supports modifications with 25 programmable buttons. It controls easily harvesters of trees, grubs, chainsaws, shredders, trailers and much more. The loader lever controls the axes up, down, and torque &oatern, while a mode switch doubles those commands until it offers six axes to handle. Configure and olv &iacitias date of the rotary control of cruise speed and the function of pilot autom &arecutico to concentrate on other tasks, like to take an appetizer.
Crop immense harvests for the ñ s to come
Enters acci &oatern. GIANTS Software a ñ constantly veh &iacties and character &iacuties to improve your farm simulation experience. The game contains 250 veh &iacuties and aut tools, with m &aecants en route. Logitech G has made sure that the side panel for veh &iasties are prepared to control any of the game's tools and tools. And thanks to 25 programmable switches and buttons, the side panel has a future guarantee.
Simple installation
Plug and Play in every way. You do not need to load drivers or install additional software. Bundle works with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and is compatible with the main farm simulation software applications and even with non-farm games including Euro Truck, Train Simulator and Eilte Dangerous.
- Volant
- Length: 27.5 mm
- Width: 32 mm
- Height: 35.5 mm
- Weight: 1902 g
- Length of cable (power &o/load): 1.8 m
- Length: 23.3 mm
- Width: 18 mm
- Height: 13.8 mm
- Weight: 572 g
- Length of cable (power supply/load): 1.8 m
- Length: 16.8 mm
- Width: 33.7 mm
- Height: 19.2 mm
- Weight: 1160 g
- Length of cable (feed &o/load): 1.8 m
- Type of connection &obutin n: USB
- USB protocol: USB 2.0
- USB speed: Speed m &axime
- Luminous indicators (LEDs): No
- USB (integrated) display: No
- Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
macOS 10.10 - A USB 2.0