Playstation 4 Slim (1Tb) + Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition

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Playstation 4 Slim (1Tb) + Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition
New pack Warfare Call of Duty Infinite Legacy including the Playstation 4 Slim with a capacity of 1Tb and the following games:
- Remastered download voucher Modern Warfare
- Voucher download Infinite Warfare Call of Duty (available 04/11)
This year Infinity Ward, creators of the Call of Duty franchise returns with more force than ever offering all lovers heart-pumping action shooters and the best juegabilidad.
For starters, this pack includes the remastered one of the best games in first person in history. The acclaimed Modern Warfare.
This new edition returns with better textures, better dynamic lighting and retaining all the gameplay that made him so famous.
It also includes the new Call of Duty: Warfare Infinity, a new title that will include the best graphics and gameplay saga ever.
Playstation 4 Slim
New Playstation 4 Slim console with new design and weight reduction that will make it lighter than its predecessor.
In terms of dimensions, the new Plastation 4 Slim is 30% smaller than the original and lighter, now weighs 2.1 kg compared to 2.8 kg of the previous version.
Sony aims to bring a little further and we step fully into the new generation of consoles with great graphics and sound.
The new PS4 system is designed and developed by the leading experts in the video game world, and allow us to unleash our imagination and experience sensations that were previously unthinkable, besides being designed to allow interaction between our various Sony devices.
We enjoy some of the services already enjoyed on the PlayStation Network with PlayStation Plus, such as discounts, promotions, games ... Thanks to PSN + can enjoy various games for a limited time, as we have done so far on the PlayStation 3 and PSVita.
Fully leverage the new social functions of the console, thanks to the button share (share) of the new Dualshock 4, with which we can share our highlights with our friends as well as to store and share videos of our best games.
The Dualshock 4 also have a new design that will make it lighter and the LED will appear on the front of the command.
Enjoy the film as ever either Bluray format quality, or through integrated into the new Sony console functions, navigate and share content, which will make our console a whole multimedia entertainment center with spending hours and hours. We will enjoy unforgettable adventures with a new catalog of games that will not fail to surprise us, both in quality and intensity, either alone, in the company of our friends, or with people around the world through online mode.
- Dimensions: 265 × 39 × 288mm
- CPU: x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", 8 cores
- GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD Radeon
- Internal Storage: 1Tb
- BD / DVD drive (read only): BD × 6 CAV, CAV DVD × 8
- Connectivity: Ethernet 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T ×, IEEE 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac WiFi, Bluetooth v4.0
- Power: AC 100-240V, 50 / 60Hz
- Temperature 5-degrees C - 35-degrees C
- AC output: HDMI output (HDR supported output)