SmartGyro Ziro 2 Silver Electric Skater

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Patinet The SmartGyro Ziro 2 Silver é
skid the electric motor with Brushless motor, battery-to-lithium 8.8 Ah, wheels of 10 " neum &aetuticas, APP and lights Led in the base smartGyro Ziro 2 Silver.SmartGyro Ziro 2 Silver is a pat &iacín n the light electric, c &o-so, powerful, with suspensi &o double in front and rear fork.
With a high autonom ía, thanks to its bater íto of 8,800 mAh 36V to travel &aaitis up to 30 Km with a single load. Its 10 ” neum átic wheels, its powerful Brushless engine with 500W m &axime power, its powerful focus 4 LEDS front, lights on the base and brake attached to a high-efficiency battery &aituas that becomes an ideal mode of transport for your d &iacitias a.
By incorporating a suspensi n by fork in the front wheel, improving the ergonom í on the path and vibrations of the irregular or annoying grounds, will be transmitted to a lesser extent to your arms or back.
A new alternative for scrolling and accompanying ñ art all &aasutewhere you go. With its ease of use, wheels of 10 ”, suspensi n improved and its perfect smoothness, crossing the city in the form of a mica and ecol. It is compatible with an App where you can see, distance traveled, percentage of load, total km and many m &aecats functions such as blocking of the pat &iacetín at a distance.
Smartgyro Ziro 2:Character íres:
- Double front and rear side that absorbs all the imperfections of the road for a better sense in the drive, greater comfort and greater security.
- Power 500 W with direct transmission (without the use of chains or straps) greater acceleration, zero maintenance, and avoiding the use of the same.
- Regeneration control system. is loaded thanks to the &eitical generation of the brake. The brake wear is minimized, increasing the autonom íres to and significantly reducing the distance required for braking and, therefore, safety.
- Wheels of 10 ” neum &aacutiticas that by its di &aetuos metro improves safety in curves, optimizes the duration of the battery &iacitia and improves the comfort of gear.
- It reaches a speed m &axime of 25 kms per hour. 3 speeds.
- Incorporate back disk brake, stop your smartGyro in an instant and Footbrake.
- Battery &iachets to lithium 36v/8.8 Ah BMS.
- Time to load m &axime 4 to 5 hours.
- Allows an autonom íto of up to 30 kms (* can vary sec the person's weight, type of load, inclination of the path, etc. ..)
- Allows to ascend pending with an angle of inclination of 15 º.
- Lights: High luminosity front (4 LEDsl) position light, leds on the base that project on the ground and rear brake light to be seen as they circulate.
- Display front (kil account partial and total meters, gears, speed indicator, etc. ..)
- Empu ñ stings resistant and anti-skid.
- Long and long base aluminium folding structure for making the pat &o. s c &o. mode.
- New generation 2.0 system. The invention relates to a novel folding system with a double anchor for adjusting the m &aetrisl which avoids slack and increases security.
- Fars with 3 powerful leds integrated into a modern dñ or and position lights. See &aws better, but you also have to be seen before by other drivers.
- Lights of blue-to-blue cuts to the ground that increases the visibility 360 º to both drivers and to the road.
- M &aubicoxime weight allowed, up to 120 kgs.
- Water resistance IPX4: impermeability is used with light rain.
- Security measures: Protection &obutin n, under voltage, short circuit and overheating.
- Smart system and functions: APP for theMobile phone, you can see information about the SmartGyro in the mobile, tuning mode, accumulation of kil &oatuos meters, distance traveled, state of the batter &iacetos, etc. and comes with lock &o n.
- Model of the pat &iactrico n &eTicr: smartGyro Ziro 2 Silver
- Power
- Power m &axime: 500W (pot. nominal 350W) 36V
- Speed limited to 25Km/h
- Speeds: 3 speeds
- Capacity: 8,800 mAH
- Bater &iuteres a extra &ipequal:
- Autonom &iacas: 25 Km approx
- Wheels: 10 " Neum áres
- Frénos: De disco rear
- Composito &oatóna n
- Steel with double suspensi &oquetín en horquilla frondo y suspensi &oatóna rear
- Compatible with an APP
- S &iuteres, distance traveled, percent load, total km, and many m &aaists functions.
- Dimensions and weight
- Deployed: 113X56X115 cm/Legacy: 113X56X50 cm, 15 Kg