Pack Double Pokémon Bright Diamond/Pearl Gleaming Switch

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Double-pack Pokémon Shiny Diamond/Pearl Gleaming Switch
The adventures of Pok &eumetos mon Diamante Gillante y Pok éos mon Perla Reluciente elapse en la regi &oatúnín de Sinnoh. It is a regi n of exuberant nature, with the imposing Monte Corona in its coraz n, and whose myths have been transmitted from generation to generation. You will have to visit different areas while you are trying to become a "Pok League" or "Pok League" Campe.
This edici &oatun includes an extra gift content:
2 DLC with 100 Pok Downloadable Balls in the Game
Both the history and the scale of the original villages and routes have been respected. Those who enjoyed Pok &eaceras mon Diamante and Pok &eacetos mon Perla will be able to return to the places they already know to relive very special moments. Players who enter the Sinnoh &oatern for the first time will have a mont &o n of combat and surprises esper.
These remakes are to play and feature very &uteacal functions for the players, as is the case with the current Pok &eumetos mon games. In them, the fighting was also possible to live the fighting very closely.
It doesn't matter if you played Pok &eaceras mon Diamante or Pok &eaceras mon Perla on your d íos a or if it's the first time you do it, &iexex; sure to enjoy this adventure to the big!