F-GT Frame Only Next Level Racing

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F-GT Frame Only Next Level Racing
The F-GT Frame Only, is the cockpit option that incorporates the frame only, so we can dock any seat on it.
It is the option &oatecas econ ómica for those looking to professionalize their simulation booth.
Next Level Racing's Cockpit F-GT Frame Only, est &arecudise ñ for those pilots looking for a professional cockpit but a bit of a bit &orecutive econ
In this case, the F-GT model is &ulycally the frame, so prune any seat to part
In this way, you save a part, without having to do without a high quality simulation booth.
Top &isutical characteristics:
- It is used by thousands of customers worldwide, including professional pilots and the Esports teams.
- Cut with l &aectosser, carbon steel with robotic solder in matte black for a premium finish.
- Dual position cabin so you can sit in the actual positions of f &ormula and GT.
- Volante, change lever, and fully adjustable pedal positions.
- The extra items are included, double lock seat slider, change lever support, lumbar support &iacorn n and Buttkicker adapter 2.
- The Next Level Racing ® Universal Seat Supports are compatible with the largest running and side-mount &iacties.
- The Next Level Racing ® Universal Seat Media is attached to the 5mm carbon steel ñ s to give m &arecits stiffness, and 84 adjustment points.
- It is &o.Or to handle the direct and pedals high-end tractor-drive.
- Your ñ or ergon &oacerico and c &o-mode makes it id óum for long runs.
- It is compatible with the greatest &iute; to the flyers and pedals. It is pre-drilled for the Thrustmaster, Logitech, Fanatec, Simxperience, and Accuforce flyers.
- Has a ñ or strong enough to support direct-to-direct-drive flyers
- Marco F-GT Next Level Racing ®
- Next Level Racing Universal Seat Media with Double Lock Seat slider
- Change LAM Support (can be mounted on the left or right side)
- screws to mount the steering wheel, change lever and pedals
- Buttkicker ® Gamer 2 Adapter
- adjustable height bolting Patas
- Instructions for assembling in a simple and prompt way
- Next Level Racing ® F-GT Monitor Stand
- Next Level Racing ® F-GT/GTtrack Combat Flight Pack
- Next Level Racing ® Lockable Castor Wheels
- Next Level Racing ® Free Standing Keyboard and Mouse Stand
- Next Level Racing ® Floor Mat
- Next Level Racing ® Free Standing Single Monitor Stand
- Next Level Racing ® Free Standing Triple Monitor Stand
- Next Level Racing ® ES1 Sim Racing Seat (Available Q2 2021)
- Platform: Multiplatform
- Supported Height: 120-210 cm
- Product Dimensions:
- F &oatuos rmula 170 x 60 x 100 cm
- GT 140 x 60 x 125 cm
- Box dimensions: 92 x 47 x 13 cm
- Maximum supported weight: 130 Kg
- Product weight: 35 Kg
- Box weight: 38 Kg
- Reference: NLR-S019
- Type of Cockpit: Cockpit Est &aUtetic
- Driving Style ó n: F &oatuermule & GT
- Seat: No Seat
- Direct Drive: Compatible
- Manufacturer: Next Level Racing
Gu &iute; a buy: Advantages when buying the Cockpit only F-GT
We are going to see the benefits of having a frame-only cockpit, in this case, the F-GT model, which will allow us to fulfill all our needs in the race.
Your versatility is going to allow us to adapt to any situation or type of drive in the function of what we need.
Two positions, a Cockpit
Taking into account the feedback of professional pilots, the F-GT has been designed to ensure that the same Cockpit serves different career positions.
In this case, for Rmula F and GT racing.
In this way, we will be able to achieve a much more realistic, hybrid experience that suits any of our driving styles.
A global event-winning Cockpit
The F-GT-only frame Cockpit were used by the Real Esport team, at the GTR World Resistance Championship in Denmark, where they were done with victory.
Adem &aalds, many professional pilots use them on a daily basis to both train and compete, is the case of Mad Mike Whiddett of Red Bull Racing, the world's Matt Simmons field of GTacademy or the world's Kamil Pawlowski camp of Project Cars 2.
Compatible with ctically all market
The F-GT Frame Only incorporates universal seat supports, thus allowing the pilot and user to use the race seat that suits them best.
Dise ñ with 5mm carbon steel to give greater rigidity and adjustment to meet the needs of the pilot.
In this way, you get a lot of versatility for the user and you can couple any type of seat without having to resort to the expensive market.
Dise ñ or robust and
The ñ or the F-GT Cockpit-only frame of Next Level Racing grants a simulation booth &o &iacudi; gida and very s ó lida, at the same time as the til.
allows us the full adjustability of any steering wheel, pedals and shift lever, to the position that comes best in function &o.
The support for the steering wheel is sufficiently clear to allow professional flyers to transmit directly.
Skies the skies
The F-GT Cockpit &uantically frame, is compatible with Next Level Racing's flight simulator packs.
With these kits, we will be able to convert our race simulation booth into a flight simulator with all of the law.
¿ Qu éres will we find in the box in the óo lo frame F-GT?
Other NLR products Compatible with the F-GT frame s &oatuas
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