Asterix and Obelix XXL Collection Switch

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Asterix and Obelix XXL Collection Switch
Asterix & Obelix Trillogix XXL includes:
Ast éx rix and Ob éx XXL: Romastered: &iex; Help Ast éx and Ob éres to rescue all the villagers abducted by C é and their e.g. rcyto! Enjoy the new graphics and improvements in this version of the game. Discover 4 new game modes, including the retro mode, where you can change at any time to the original gr.
Ast éres rix and Ob éz XXL 2: &iex; The Druid Panoramix Treason &otegras to the village and collates &oatuos with the Romans! Discover the truth that there are some of this mysterious traffic and don't forget to slap the Romans down the road.
Ast éres rix and Ob éres XXL 3: El Menhir de Cristal: Discover the latest adventure of Ast éres rix and Ob éx, and the incere, powers of the Menhir de Cristal. &iex; This time you experience a cooperative mode for two players and play with your family or friends!
Each of your games offers a new and fun story where you don't miss any of your favorite characters. &iexex; Ad &eaceras ntran en adventures épas a trav &ealtias de la Galia, Italia, Greece, Egypt y many sites m &aaceras s!
Character íres:
- Changes between Asterix and Obelix at any time
- From the m &apos s peque ñ os up to the greatest m &arecubles, an adventure for all p &ualtiblas
- Battery &eatubles where you can get absolutely slapped with everything you want
- Aventuras based on the entire universe of Asterix and Obelix.